Sunday School
Sunday School provide learning and sharing opportunities for children in a small group. Skilled teachers demonstrate God’s love both through example and through Bible-based stories and games. A class is available for each age group on Sunday mornings for Sunday School.
Children in Action
Children In Action (grades 1-6) is a program designed to teach children about Southern Baptist cooperative missions. Learning activities focus upon missionaries around the world who share Jesus’ love and help needy people. Serving activities provide opportunities for children here to do the same. This group meets on Wednesday Nights from 6:00 p.m. until 7:45 p.m.
Children’s Church
Children’s church meets during Sunday morning worship services. Children (age 3-5th grade) get to worship and learn on an age-appropriate level, thus allowing their parents to do the same without interruption.
Nursery care and early childhood teaching are provided for babies through age two. Church members volunteer on a rotating basis. The nursery is located in the southeast corner of the Family Life Center building.
Van Ministry
Pickup and drop off are provided for children on Sunday mornings, and Wednesday nights. Please see our Ministry Page for more information regarding this ministry.
Children’s Council
The Children’s Council coordinates two major annual events: an Easter egg hunt, and a birthday party for Jesus. The Children’s Council also provides a means for bringing child-related concerns, issues, and ideas to the church’s attention.
At Vacation Bible School (VBS), children learn about the love of Jesus through Bible lessons and activities, crafts, and snacks. Typically, VBS is held for a week in June from 8:50 a.m.-Noon.